Hepatite E: revisão de literatura / Hepatitis E: literature review
Introduction: Hepatitis E represents a disease with global distribution, being one of the most frequent causes of acute hepatitis worldwide. Objective: Develop a literature review regarding hepatitis E. Method: Qualitative and descriptive review of narrative literature. The databases were PubMed and Scielo, using the term “Hepatitis E” searching for articles published in the last five years, selecting 27 of them. Discussion: Hepatitis E represents a viral disease with global distribution. The etiological agent belongs to the genus Orthohepevirus of the Hepeviridae family, which includes 8 genotypes and 1 serotype. The prevalence of each genotypes varies by geographic region, with genotypes 1 and 2 being more prevalent in emerging regions and 3 and 4 in developed countries. The clinical picture ranges from asymptomatic patients to those who develop fulminant acute hepatitis. It is known that hepatitis E can become chronic, especially in immunocompromised patients. Manifestations include extrahepatic symptoms, with neurological and renal predilection. Disease transmission occurs through contaminated water sources, direct contact with animals and consumption of contaminated food. Diagnosis can be made by virus antibodies screening or quantification of viral RNA. Treatment is based on supportive measures, and the use of antiviral therapy is recommended only in special situations. The main prophylaxis is vaccination. Furthermore, investment in basic sanitation and improvement in food quality contribute to the reduction of cases. Final considerations: Hepatitis E is a growing cause of acute hepatitis, especially in emerging countries. Therefore, health professionals should consider this diagnosis among other conditions of liver involvement, suggesting studies about this subject.
Copyright (c) 2022 Alice Vervloet da Luz, Carolina Rocio Oliveira Santos, Débora Collodetti Lessa, Lauro Ferreira da Silva Pinto Neto, Maria das Graças Silva Mattede, Pedro Araújo Sette

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