Perfil sociodemográfico e clínico dos pacientes adultos portadores de estomas intestinais / Clinical and sociodemographic profile of adults patients with intestinal stomas
Introduction: Intestinal stoma is the making of a hole in the abdominal wall, which has the
purpose of diverting intestinal transit, which can be permanent or temporary. Objective: To
identify, in the scientific literature, articles that describe the sociodemographic and clinical
profile of adult patients with intestinal stomas. Material and methods: Bibliographic research
with 14 complete scientific articles, written in Portuguese, published between January 2011 and
September 2021, using the specific descriptors: Colostomy, Ileostomy, Colic Bags, Intestinal
Neoplasms; which were crossed with the general descriptors: Health Profile, Epidemiology and
Patient Discharge. Results: Males were more frequent, ranging from 20.0% to 67.5% and
females ranged from 32.5% to 80.0%. Regarding the age group, patients aged over 60 years
prevailed, ranging from 56.5% to 68.4%. There was a higher frequency in patients with
partners, ranging from 35.6% to 59.8%. Most have schooling up to elementary school, ranging
from 29.6% to 70.9%, retired, with a variation from 34.5% to 68.4% and with a family income
of up to one minimum wage, ranging from 13.1% to 61.1%; Colorectal neoplasia was the most
frequent indication for the creation of an intestinal stoma, ranging from 17.9% to 80.0%.
Colostomy was more frequent in all articles, ranging from 18.6% to 100.0%; ileostomy
performance ranged from 4.3% to 24.8%. The making of the permanent stoma ranged from
30.2% to 100.0% and the making of the temporary stoma ranged from 27.2% to 100.0%.
Complications of intestinal stomas in patients were quite varied, including periosteal dermatitis,
retraction, prolapse, mucocutaneous displacement, granuloma, parastomal hernia, hyperemia,
bleeding, anastomotic dehiscence, wall abscess, postoperative ileus, intestinal obstruction,
evisceration, surgical site infection and enterocutaneous fistula. The frequency of mortality
ranged from 1.2% to 7.7%. Conclusion: Elderly individuals, male, with elementary education,
retired and with a family income of up to one minimum wage prevailed. Colorectal neoplasia
was the most prevalent indication for colostomy, with complications such as periostomal
dermatitis, parastomal hernia, retraction and prolapse.
Descriptors: Colostomy, Ileostomy, Colic Bags, Intestinal Neoplasms, Health Profile,
Epidemiology, Patient Discharge
Copyright (c) 2022 Silvana de Sousa Leite, Camila Waters, Marcele Pescuma Capeletti Padula

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